
GRIP6: The Minimalist Belt


Have you seen this?

Magazine pages artfully displaying large, empty rooms that are full of shelves with no knick-knacks. Walk-in closets that boast only strategically selected pieces.  Housing developments with living spaces made out of storage containers. Young people renovating and living out of their grandparents’ camper van.

These practitioners of thrift are ‘The Minimalists’. While any approach to minimalism is unique, minimalists represent the optimization of ‘stuff’. Using the bare number of items needed to survive in the most effective manner, and then doing away with the extraneous riff-raff.

If you consider yourself a minimalist, or a savvy buyer in general, GRIP6  would like to earn its place among your barren shelves of opportunity. Our inventor, a self-proclaimed minimalist, has designed this belt with you in mind. If you are not familiar with us, check out our classic belt

Minimalist Belt Shelf GRIP6


Here are a few reasons GRIP6 is the minimalist belt of your dreams. 

The Myth of The $10 Belt

Minimalism stands for responsible consumer behavior. It means only buying what you need, and getting the most miles out of what you buy. It stands in contrast to the ‘Big-Box Business’ ethic, where convenience is the foremost temptation - and they know it.  Over the last 30 years, they’ve systematically managed to convince mainstream America that they ‘need’ a lot more than they actually do.

Impulse is the enemy of minimalism.

We have all been victim to the “$10 Belt” impulse. It happens when you’re out grocery shopping, and notice the old belt is looking a little mangy. Suddenly, a new belt begins calling out to you from across the cereal aisle. A sign with the words "ON SALE" tugging at your heartstrings. They place these items in these locations intentionally.  In the retail business, they are referred to as ‘impulse items.’  You wander over, and, believe it or not, somehow, someway, this luxurious 'only ten-dollars' belt is 95% off. They are practically giving it to you, heck, they should be writing you a check. For a measly ten bucks, all the luxury in the world is yours.

The Negative Feedback Loop of Convenience

Your 'New' Belt + 6 Weeks

Your ‘New’ Belt + 6 Weeks

We all know what happens to that ten-dollar belt. In a few weeks time, the shiny new belt becomes the old mangy belt, and the cycle repeats itself. This is the negative feedback loop of convenience and perceived thrift. At the end of the day, there is just stuff. Legions of belts and shirts and shoes that serve a function, but aren’t quite “enough” for day-to-day use. The worst part is, Americans are twice as good at purchasing things as they are at getting rid of them. So they accumulate in drawers, rooms, storage units, and beyond, regardless of the fact that they provide little to no service to their owners.

Even myself, a paid agent of the GRIP6 Belt Company, have a couple of $10 belts hanging around in my closet, for the sole, seemingly pointless, reason of “Who knows - I might need this someday”. I haven’t worn the belts since I was hired, but I also think it would be wasteful to throw them out. While not very pretty, these belts still mostly hold up a pair of pants. Donating is another option, but then I would have to burden another person with my lackluster slab of faux-leather.

Broken Belts

My Belt 'Collection'

Long story short: Inefficiencies all around.

A One & Done Belt

GRIP6 has an antidote for the lazy belt buyer (basically, me). GRIP6 is the first one-and-done belt. One GRIP6 belt, and your belt buying days are over. We’ve designed a durable, fashionable, affordable, discreet belt to complement any ensemble. We also back it up with a lifetime guarantee. Not one of those guarantees with a small asterisk that leads to a large list of legalese describing all the things it doesn’t cover. Ours is simple: We built it, so we’ll back it up.

Rest assured, if you are a careful consumer, with our 'guarandamntee' you rest in safe hands with GRIP6.

Minimalism Is Work

I asked our inventor, BJ Minson, if manufacturing something so simple was easy. He laughed and said:

“Consumption is easy. Minimalism is work.”

GRIP6 has taken the belt and eliminated the holes, the flap, and slashed the bulk in one fell swoop. We’ve taken all the dirty work a belt has to do, and moved it behind the buckle. Out of sight, out of mind, and wrapped it up with a sleek, appealing look.

USA Made, Minimalist Mindset


Where The Magic Happens

At GRIP6, we embrace the minimalist mindset, and salute those who also stand for simplicity and sustainability.  We are in the business of creative problem solving. Doing common things efficiently, in a simpler way,  and at an affordable price.

We took the concept of the belt and we turned it on it’s head. Buy it once, use it forever, look good while doing it. It’s simple, but in a world inundated by stuff, we hope other companies will follow our lead.

The Grip6 Guarandamntee
How's that for 'legalese'


Reading next

GRIP6 Belts Lifetime A3 Guarantee
Web Belts Have Always Been Ugly, Until Now


Dan Pickerrell

Dan Pickerrell

Hi guys absolutely love the (5) Grip6 belts I own and so do the owners of the (3) I’ve given as gifts. Like everyone else “wish I’d of thought of that” regarding your wonderful belt/buckle design. If I can make one suggestion it would be to extend the tangs on the hanger and maybe increase the bend angle. When I pick up the hanger to remove a belt, there is a good chance (2) will fall off. Just a small suggestion on a fantastic design.

Enjoy all of your success gentlemen,
Dan Pickerrell



Hi, I’m Luca from Italy. I received your belts one week ago. They look amazing, very minimalist and excellent build quality.I’m wearing my four new belt every day (blue, red, black, black honeycomb) and I’m going to get many others soon. Proud to have such a beautiful item made in the USA.

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